Nash 0413

         今天發生一個小擦撞,我在市區緩慢的騎單車時,前方一輛車沒有注意到我就開車門,結果我就輕輕的撞上了他的車門.我只有手指有一點點破皮.不過他的車因為我這一擊.變得車門沒法關上.當古董腳踏車撞上BMW 530i ,竟然是bike勝利了.和bmw發生小插曲.聽起來倒也不錯.

          還有一個小小插曲,我和圖書館借的關於Tasmia 的旅遊書.館員竟和我講這本書我沒有還他,明明我早在一個星期前就把書丟入了還書箱中,竟然還給我搞這烏龍.我還特地回家去找了一遍.結果還是沒有.於是我想可能在圖書館中的架上,結果一去找果然是在架上,還好,還好.老子可沒有錢可以賠給人家的.不過發生這二件事時,心情倒不壞.反正是異常的冷靜.因為事情就是事情.總是有解決的辦法.

       晚上看了一部大學時期上映的電影.”A beautiful mind”講的是數學家Nash的故事.此位數學家極其聰明,晚年還得了諾貝爾獎,特別的是他還有精神疾病.會有幻想症狀.片子最感人的一段是他上台領獎時,感謝他太太的話.

I’ve always belived in numbers. In the equations and logics that lead to reason.

But after a lifetime of such pursuits….I ask, what truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me through the physical…the metaphysical…the delusional…and back. And I have made the most important discovery of my career. The most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equtations of love…that any logical reasons can be found.

I’m only here tonight because of you. You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.



I had a new sense of purpose, and it had nothing to do with my recognition and exploits on a bike. Some people wouldn’t understand this, but I no longer felt that it was my role in life to be a cyclist May be my role was to be a cancer survivor. My strongest connections and feelings were with people who were fighting cancer and asking the same question I was :Am I going to die ?


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